In response to our community's needs and the COVID-19 pandemic, Nevada School of Professional Studies would like to ensure you have links to the appropriate resources
Here are important links to agencies that may be able to assist you
1. For information and to file unemployment benefits please click the following link: Unemployment
2. Click the following link to access a complete set of employment tools for job seekers in Employ Nevada. Search jobs, create résumés, find education and training resources: EmployNV
3. Click the following link for Family Supportive Services, Workforce Supportive Services, Martin Luther King Senior Center, or Project Listos: Economic Opportunity Board
4. Click the following link to apply for cash, food, or medical assistance: Division of Welfare and Supportive Services
5. Click the following link to access information and resources in the Valley that offer assistance at zero to little cost: Nevada211
6. List of community agencies funded by Workforce Connections for workforce services in Southern Nevada; List of Funded Agencies
7. Click the following link to access the States complete list of approved trainings and providers: ETPL
8. Housing and/or Utility Assistance
Economic Opportunity Board of Clark County 702.445.7105
HELP of Southern Nevada 702.369.4357
Family Promise 702.638.8806
Nevada Partners 702.844.8000